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Hängeleuchte mit Kristall-Ketten

Reifenluster- Kristall-Ketten bilden eine zylindrische Kristall-Hülle, Bleikristall

d. 90 cm

H. 35 cm

Oberfläche:       Nickel glänzend

Ausleuchtung:  12x E27 LED 6W


round ceiling light 1

clear rectangular crystals

d. 12 cm

h. 14 cm


finish:       brass patinated

lighting:   1x E14


rechteckige Deckenleuchte
Deckenleuchte rund 2
Küchenleuchte Kristall LED
ceiling light rectangular

clear rectangular crystals

l.  39 cm

w. 12 cm


finish:      brass patinated

lighting:  3x E14


ceiling light round 2

clear rectangular crystals

hand cut bottom glass

d. 30 cm

h. 14,5 cm


finish:      brass patianted

lighting:  3x E14


rectangular pendant- kitchen

clear rectangular crystals

l.  230 cm

w.  40 cm

h.   13  cm


finish:      brass patinated

lighting:  16x LED



staircase pedestal light

opal white glass sphere


d. 25 cm

h. 61 cm


finish:        brass patinated

lighting:    1x E27 LED

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